

Download level1-sort
Download level1-sort_V6.17

Rearrange the level1 raw data files by frame sequence number.

level1-sort is compatible with Heasoft-6.19
while level1-sort_V6.17 should be used for Heasoft-6.17.


level1-sort AS1G02_026T02_9000000266lxp3EA_level1.fits

With above, the level1 raw data files will be ordered by frame sequence number.

This programme also checks if there are any datadrops in the level1 raw data.
It may happen for various reasons: telemetry, for example.

It will produce a file with the difference of the frame sequence numbers
of the successive frames. Plot it and see if it shows anything other than 1.

If there is significant dataloss, you may want to alert ISSDC about it so
that the data can be downloaded/reprocessed again before it is too late.