
Our primary research thrust is in the direction of ultra-cold molecules and ultra-cold dipolar molecules. We are developing the laboratory to study problems related to these topics experimentally. This is a very promising and challenging emerging area in the field of cold dilute gases. The inherent complexity of molecules makes it rather difficult to adopt the technologies which are well developed for their atomic counterpart. We therefore have before us the dual task of studying exciting new physics and inventing the enabling technologies for it.



The cooling and trapping of atoms has provided fertile ground for exploring a wide range of problems in physics. In the future these systems are likely to play a pivotal role in our understanding of many body systems and several other important issues in physics. In order to tap into these potential problems it is vital to understand the basic interactions in cold dilute gases. For cold dilute atoms, the vast majority of the physics explored relies on 2-body spherically symmetric interactions, the so called s-wave interaction. This is because at very small kinetic energies only the lowest angular momentum quantum number dominates the interaction. However there exists no fundamental reason why the physics of interest must limit to isotropic interactions. The study of anisotropic interactions, in cold dilute gases, is therefore perceived to be an area with tremendous potential in the future. It is these anisotropy driven situations that we wish to pursue as the principle thread in the present experimental program, leading us to our studies with molecules.


Ultra-Cold Molecules

In the case of diatomic molecules two different classes of molecules exist; viz. homonuclear and heteronuclear molecules. Homonuclear molecules are built up from two identical atoms whereas heteronuclear molecules arise from the bonding of two different atoms. If in addition, the atoms making up the molecule are chemically distinct, and the bond length is relatively small, these molecules in addition exhibit a “permanent” electric dipole moment. Such molecules exhibit long range and anisotropic potentials, giving interactions between two such molecules a tensor character. This is therefore a very intriguing system at ultra-cold temperatures, where the kinetic and potential energy driven mechanisms of such collective systems can be studied in competition.


The Experimental System

We are at present in the final stage of construction of a vacuum system where we can do laser cooling on both Rubidium (Rb) and Potassium (39K, 40K). The basic idea is to first laser cool these alkali atoms. Following the cooling and trapping of atoms, various techniques for forging bonds between the atoms shall be attempted. We wish to create both tightly and loosely bound molecules, both homonuclear and heteronuclear. Strategies for trapping these molecules/manipulating them and detecting them nondestructively need to be developed. The techniques for accomplishing all these objectives are largely yet to be invented/developed. This is true not just for the experiment at RRI but of similar experiments across the world. Thus major experimental challenges exist in this field making it a very exciting and potentially rewarding branch of contemporary physics.


Other Research Interests

In addition to the above directions, we are also actively looking at studying the interactions of atoms and molecules with external fields. High resolution precision spectroscopy of atoms and molecules are of considerable interest to us as is development of microscopy for tackling specific problems of interest. Most recently we have encountered an interesting phenomenon involving surfaces that we are looking into. We are also building a variety of optical instruments of our own design for various applications.


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