QuEST: Activities

B92 Protocol

In 1992, Charles Bennett proposed the B92 protocol in his paper "Quantum cryptography using any two non-orthogonal states". B92 protocol is a modified version of the BB84 protocol with the key difference between the two being that while BB84 protocol uses four different polarization states of photon, the B92 protocol uses two (one from the rectilinear basis, conventionally H-polarization state and one from the diagonal basis, conventionally +45° - polarization state). The B92 protocol can be summarized in the following steps-

Another important contrast to the BB84 protocol is that Bob do not have to announce the choice of basis in the post-transmission communication i.e. sifting is not required. The following table shows different possible instances of transmission and measurement results:

Experimental demonstration of the B92 protocol


With a transmission channel length of ~2 metres, pump power of 30 mW, and crystal lengths of 20/30 mm, we obtained the following experimental and simulation results:

Optimized results of average key rate, QBER and asymmetry (i.e., key symmetry), obtained using strategy A (QBER and key symmetry optimization), from the experiment and the simulation. Note that an asymmetry value of "x" implies that the ratio of "0" bits to "1" bits in the key is x:(100-x).
Optimized results of average key rate, QBER and asymmetry (i.e., key symmetry), obtained using strategy B (only QBER optimization), from the experiment and the simulation. Note that an asymmetry value of "x" implies that the ratio of "0" bits to "1" bits in the key is x:(100-x).


BBM92 protocol implementation over an atmospheric channel

In our BBM92 protocol implementation using polarization-entangled photon pairs that produces an entangled state: |ψ- = 1/2 { |H1 |V2 - |H1 |V2 },

Alice (1) and Bob (2) both measure the stream of incoming photons: say, horizontally polarized i.e. H and vertically polarized i.e. V (or say, V and H). The photons entering the Alice’s and Bob’s setups are segregated randomly, for measurement along the two rectilinear or diagonal projection bases, with a 50:50 probabilities by a beam-splitter. The schematic of our experimental setup is presented in the figure below. The free-space (atmospheric) channel length from sender (source/Alice’s setup) to the receiver (Bob’s setup) is 50 meters. Each of these basis projections can again lead to either of the two outcomes (i.e., detection of the photon along the transmitted arm: horizontally (H) or diagonally (D/+) polarized photon, or along the reflected arm: vertically (V) or anti-diagonally (A) polarized photon of the polarizing beam-splitter). Hence, we end up with an overall eight coincidence detections between the Alice’s and Bob’s detector clicks. Out of them four (i.e., A1-B2, A2-B1, A3-B4, and A4-B3) form the desirable set (signal: HV/VH, DA/AD) and the other four (i.e., A1-B1, A2-B2, A3-B3, and A4-B4) form the undesirable set (noise: HH/VV, DD/AA). We assess the number of coincidences in these sets by analyzing the signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), through the consideration of suitable window spans around the peak maxima. The signal and the noise coincidence values thus obtained within these window regions are then used to compute the raw key rate, the quantum-bit-error-rate (QBER) and the key symmetry of our protocol implementation. Our first measurements in February 2021, achieved a reasonably good key rate along with an information-theoretically secure QBER. This was India’s first demonstration of QKD over an atmospheric free-space channel. This is a part of India’s first project on satellite based quantum communications “Quantum Experiments with Satellite Technology” which is a collaboration between the Quantum Information and Computing lab at RRI and the Indian Space Research Organization.


Abridged schematic of our experimental setup. The abbreviations PPKTP, SMF, HWP, QWP, PBS, BS, SPAD, and dual-PBS stand for periodically-poled potassium-titanyl-phosphate, single-mode fibre, half-wave plate, quarter-wave plate, polarizing beam splitter, beam splitter with 50/50 splitting ratio, single photon avalanche detector, and dual-wavelength polarizing beam splitter, respectively.
An actual drone-shot of the venue for the experiment