Mayuri S.Rao


The purpose of this page is to serve as a growing repository of useful links to resources around the web, categorised under (sometimes not so narrow) headings. I have listed below some places where I have found interesting and useful information that I have found very helpful in building my understanding of various topics. Some links are just for fun! I acknowledge the authors/ websites/ organizations for the using links to their material and claim no ownership whatsover to the resources listed below (unless exclusively specified otherwise). I thank the original contributors/developers of the content in the links below and acknowledge their copyrights over the same. Do email me with your feedback about the utility of these links listed, possible suggestions of any more that would you like to see here and with violation of copyrights issues, if any. (details in contact information on home page)

Hope you find these helful!

Useful resources for astronomers

Sky above me now!

The moon now