Hi, Welcome to QuIC Lab

The Quantum Information and Computing (QuIC) lab at the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore is one of the first labs in India to manufacture and establish the usage of heralded and entangled photon sources towards various applications in quantum technologies.

  • U. Sinha, S. N. Sahoo, A. Singh, K. Joarder, R. Chatterjee and S. Chakraborti, "Single-Photon Sources", Opt. Photon. News 30 (9), 32 (2019).
  • Open Positions: Click here for details on several open positions in the group!

    Four broad themes of research:

    Featured publications from the lab:

    The complete list of publications from the lab can be found here.

    Featured lab news items:

    A complete list of news items related to the lab can be found here.

    Aluminium jubilee for Quantum Information and Computation lab.
    Media coverage of our long distance quantum communication project under DST's Quantum Enabled Science and Technology programme by:
    Anandabazar Patrika (Bengali).
    Media coverage on our Freespace (atmospheric channel-based) quantum key distribution experiment with entangled photons by:
    Bangalore Mirror, Times of India, Indo-Asian News Service, Deccan Herald, Rajasthan Patrika (Hindi), The Better India & Anandabazar Patrika (Bengali).
    QuIC lab achievements featured by the office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister
    DD news broadcast on Quantum Information & Computing: A ground-breaking innovation by Raman Research Institute
    Work on Quantum Cryptography highlighted by "India Science - The Nation's Science Channel" as one of the top ten innovations for 2020
    QuIC lab's work on secure quantum communications and quantum state estimation as one of 20 major success stories of 2020 by DST
    QuIC team secures the 1st place in the Worldskills International Competition on Quantum Technology competence BRICS skills camp
    QuIC Website

    Visitor Counter
