
Higher Dimensional Quantum Systems

The quantum information and computation community is collectively working towards systems with large number of qubits in coherent superposition. As the exponential advantage of quantum computers goes like 2n where “n” is the number of qubits, more the number of qubits, more the speed up. However, it becomes increasingly difficult to increase n beyond a point due to onset of Decoherence. What could be an alternative approach? Change the base! Instead of two dimensional qubits, one could conceive of using higher dimensional qudits where the “2” is replaced by 3,4,5 and so on. Then, for a smaller “n”, one could envisage similar speed up.
 In our lab, we are exploring a qudit architecture based on spatial degree of freedom of a single photon.


  1. U. Sinha, "Quantum Slits Open New Doors", Scientific American, January 2020 Issue.