Pulsar image
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Astrosat image
side blank Side pulsar Side blank Side astrosat side blank Sw introduction side blank Sw introduction side blank Sw introduction Sb blank Sw tools Sb blank Sw data Sb blank Sw timing Sb blank Sw spectral blank blank practical blank blank glossary Sb blank

Tools for X-ray Astronomy

Astronomy and astrophysics are the studies of the solar system, the Sun and stars, galaxies , black holes , and the Universe as a whole. However, there is a big difference between the science of astrophysics and the other sciences, such as biology, chemistry and physics. Almost all other branches of science are truely experimental in nature, i.e. most scientists can perform experiments where they change the parameters of a system to see what the effect is. Astronomers can't do this. They can't change the temperature of a star and see what happens. They can't add more helium to the Universe and see what the result is. They can't look at the Milky Way from different viewing angles. They can't repeat the conditions of the birth of the solar system, or the early Universe. The "experiment" is in progress, and astronomers can only take the very best measurements possible, and study them very carefully to infer what is going on in the Universe around us.

Therefore astronomy is called an "observational science" and the only way to get information about the distant objects and study their properties is, to analyse the "light", or in broad sense the electromagnetic radiation, we get from them. In X-ray range, photons have sufficient energy so that individual photons can be detected in the detector. Also because of higher energy of individual photon, total number of photons we get from any source is also much less then that during an optical observation. In a typical measurement in X-ray astronomy, three properties of the incoming photon are measured: the direction in the sky from where the photon arrived, it's time of arrival and it's energy. These measurements result in the basic tools of X-ray astronomy: an image, a light curve and a spectrum. Analysis of each of these - known as imaging, timing or spectral analysis - reveals different aspect of the source and gives slightly differement information.


The concept of an image is probably the most familiar - telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope produce many beautiful images. However, images of the same object can look totally different in different electromagnetic bands. In fact, looking at images of the same object made with different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum is a very important tool. Each image tells something unique about the object at that particular wavelength , and helps to figure out "the big picture" of what is really going on with that object. For example, in the figure below, we see four images of the Crab Nebula. The radio image tells us about the magnetic fields and free electrons in the Nebula. The optical image tells us about the hydrogen in the Nebula and more about the free electrons moving in the magnetic field of the pulsar . The UV image tells us about the cooler electrons, while the X-ray image tells us about the very hot electrons which are coming from the collapsed central object in the Nebula.

The Crab Nebula at multiwavelengths

Figure 1

An image basically shows the brightness of an object in the spatial domain, i.e. how many photons are coming from a specific location in space. The ability of a detector to seperate one location from a nearby location, known as spatial resolution , is the most crucial parameter for imaging analysis.  The spatial resolution of X-ray detectors is much poor compared to those lower energy bands. The real feasibility of imaging analysis in X-ray astronomy has emerged only very recently with new missions like Chandra and XMM-Newton, and that is also limited to low energy X-rays below 10 keV. In this workshop we shall not be discussing much about imaging analysis, mainly because all X-ray pulsars are expected to be point sources and present imaging analysis does not give more information then that.

Light curves

A light curve is a graph which shows the brightness of an object over a period of time. In the study of objects which change their brightness over time, such as novae , supernovae , and variable stars , the light curve is a simple but valuable tool to study their properties. The record of changes in brightness that a light curve provides can help us to understand processes at work within the source and identify specific category (or class) to which the source belongs. For example, the light curve of  an eclipsing binary star  is shown in Figure 2. It tells us that it takes 10 days for one of the stars in the binary to orbit completely around the other, or in other words, "the orbital period of the binary system is 10 days."

Example light curve of an eclipsing binary star system

Figure 2

A typical light curve of  a supernova explosion is shown in Figure 3.

Example light curve of a supernova

Figure 3

Thus, just by looking at the light curve of an unknown object it can be associated or rejected with certain class. However, the timing analysis is not just limited to broad classification, but can give a much deeper insight to the actual physical conditions in many types of sources, particularly for X-ray pulsar sources. Therefore we shall have a detailed introduction  to timing analysis in the next section.


A spectrum is basically a graph of intensity of  the radiation with respect to energy. In general, we spread out radiation into tiny increments of energy (or wavelength ) in order to examine all of its parts. There are different methods to spread out the radiation depending on the particular region of the electromagnetic band. For exanple, most familiar method to all of us is the use of prism to seperate colours of the white light. Another method is to use diffraction gratting, which can be used to get spectrum of optical light, UV light and even low energy X-rays. For higher energy X-rays, generally it is possible to measure energy of individual incoming photon, and thus we can easily get the spectrum.

Each spectrum holds a wide variety of information. However, extracting this information involves a complex process and a detailed understanding of the underlying physics. We shall have a detailed introduction to spectral analysis in a coming section.

This workshop is being organized by Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and is sponsored by Indian Space Research Organization  (ISRO).