Quantum dynamics and spacetime curvature
Hari K (IITM, Chennai)
Mesoscopic signatures of colloidal heating, motility, and retarded and non-reciprocal interactions
Klaus Kroy (ITP, Leipzig University)
https://shorturl.at/J4SJ0 SCM Lecture hall
Symmetry routes to novel phases of matter
Abhishodh Prakash (University of Oxford)
https://shorturl.at/WePbT Library Block Lecture hall
Structure and Dynamics of Biomimetic Lipid Assemblies
Ahanjit Bhattacharya (Stanford University, USA)
Zoom Link RRI Auditorium
Electrokinetics in Micro/Nanofluidics and Active Particle Propulsion
Sankha Shuvra Das (School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Zoom -
Plasmonic Nanostructure-Based Optical Biosensors
Prajna N D (Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal)
Zoom Zoom
Optimization of WS2-based Nanocomposites using different Synthesis Approaches for Environmental Remediation and other Applications
Waseem Ashraf (Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), New Delhi)
Zoom Zoom
Self-assembly Mediated Fabrication of Novel Nanostructures
Meneka Banik (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Exploring the hot and energetic universe at various scales of accretion
Dr Chandreyee Maitra (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany)
Zoom Meeting ID: 823 3601 9466 Passcode: 367405 Auditorium
Optimal Control of Many-body Quantum Dynamics
Rick Mukherjee (Hamburg University, Germany)
Meeting number (access code): 2643 105 4488 Meeting password: nYFHQFm3r57