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Timing Analysis: Exercise 3

Finding period by Epoch folding

In second exercise we have obtained the pulse period for X-ray pulsar Cen X-3 from its power density spectrum. In this exercise we shall determine the pulse period for the same source using light curve folding method. This method is very useful to find out accurate period if an approximate period is known. The XRONOS package has a task named efsearch which folds the light curve with large number of periods around the approximate period and finds the best period by chi square maximization. For this exercise also we shall use the same light curve cenx-3_pca.lc , which we used in the last exercise.

Invoke efsearch  by entering the command at the prompt and answer the queries as usual.

pulsar> efsearch

efsearch 1.1 (xronos5.18)

Ser. 1 filename +options (or @file of filenames +options)[cenx-3.lc]cenx-3_pca.lc
 Series 1 file   1:cenx-3.lc

 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;

 Source ............ CEN_X-3             Start Time (d) .... 10507 00:19:27.562 
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) ..... 10507 02:24:27.559 
 No. of Rows .......        60000        Bin Time (s)......    0.1250
 Right Ascension ...                     Internal time sys.. Literal
 Declination .......                     Experiment ........

 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - Yes 
             values: 1.00000000       1.00000000       1.00000000

 Selected Columns:  1- Time;  3- Y-axis;  4- Y-error;  5- Fractional exposure;

 File contains binned data.

Name of the window file ('-' for default window)[-] -

 Expected Start ... 10507.01351345407  (days)       0:19:27:562  (h:m:s:ms)
 Expected Stop .... 10507.10031897535  (days)       2:24:27:559  (h:m:s:ms)

 Default Epoch is:  10507.00000
Type INDEF to accept the default value
 Epoch format is days.
Epoch[10507.00000] 10507.00000
 Period format is seconds.
Period[5.0] 4.8
Period derivative       [0] 0
 Expected Cycles ..           1562.50
Epoch is the reference point with respect to the what the light curve is folded. Here we accept the default value, which is the starting point of the light curve. We give the approximate period (obtained using power dinsity spectrum?) and the period derivative or the change in period with time, which, in our case is zero.
 Default phase bins per period are:         8
 Type INDEF to accept the default value
Phasebins/Period {value or neg. power of 2}[16] 16

 Newbin Time ......    0.30000000      (s)
 Maximum Newbin No.             25000

 Default Newbins per Interval are:       25000
 (giving       1 Interval of        25000 Newbins)
 Type INDEF to accept the default value

Number of Newbins/Interval[25000] 25000
 Maximum of       1 Intvs. with        25000 Newbins of      0.300000     (s)
Here we devide each pulse in 16 phases i.e. each newbin will be one sixteenth of the pulse period or 0.3 seconds. We take all available newbins in the same interval.
 Default resolution is 0.1536000000E-02
 Type INDEF to accept the default value
Resolution for period search {value or neg. power of 2}[0.01] 0.0001
 Default number of periods is       128
 Type INDEF to accept the default value
Number of periods to search[4096] 4096
Here we specify total number of periods and resolution for the period search. We are asking it to fold the light curve with 4096 different period seperated by 0.1 milli-second around the approximate period of 4.8 seconds.
Name of output file[default]
Do you want to plot your results?[yes]
Enter PGPLOT device[/XW]

    4096 analysis results per interval

  Chisq. vs. period ready

 Period :   4.809    dP/dt :   0.000
 Intv    1   Start 10507  0:19:27
     Ser.1     Avg  3257.        Chisq 0.7471E+07   Var 0.3719E+07 Newbs.
16               Min  1177.          Max  7050.    expVar  7.966      Bins

Now you should see the following plot of chi-square vs. period. The plot also gives the best period.
efsearch figure

You can play around various parameters to see their effect on the final result.
The task efsearch gives you only best period, but it does not show the folded pulse profile.
To get the folded pulse profile, XRONOS has another taks called efold .

Invoke efold and answer the queries as usual by giving the default epoch, exact period obtained with efsearch, 16 phase bins and take all newbins in one interval.

pulsar> efold

efold 1.1 (xronos5.18)

Number of time series for this task[1]
Ser. 1 filename +options (or @file of filenames +options)[cenx-3.lc] cenx-3.lc
 Series 1 file   1:cenx-3.lc

 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;

 Source ............ CEN_X-3             Start Time (d) .... 10507 00:19:27.562
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) ..... 10507 02:24:27.559 
 No. of Rows .......        60000        Bin Time (s) ......   0.1250
 Right Ascension ...                     Internal time sys.. Literal
 Declination .......                     Experiment ........
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - Yes 
             values: 1.00000000       1.00000000       1.00000000

 Selected Columns:  1- Time;  3- Y-axis;  4- Y-error;  5- Fractional exposure;

 File contains binned data.

Name of the window file ('-' for default window)[-] -

 Expected Start ... 10507.01351345407  (days)       0:19:27:562  (h:m:s:ms)
 Expected Stop .... 10507.10031897535  (days)       2:24:27:559  (h:m:s:ms)

 Default Epoch is:  10507.00000
Type INDEF to accept the default value
 Epoch format is days.
Epoch[10507.00000] 10507.00000
 Period format is seconds.
Period[4.812] 4.8091
 Expected Cycles ..           1559.54
 Default phase bins per period are:        10
 Type INDEF to accept the default value
Phasebins/Period {value or neg. power of 2}[16] 16

 Newbin Time ......    0.30056875      (s)
 Maximum Newbin No.             24953

 Default Newbins per Interval are:       24953
 (giving       1 Interval of        24953 Newbins)
 Type INDEF to accept the default value

Number of Newbins/Interval[416] 24953
 Maximum of       1 Intvs. with        24953 Newbins of      0.300569     (s)
Default intervals per frame are:         1
Type INDEF to accept the default value
Number of Intervals/Frame[1] 1
 Results from up to       1 Intvs. will be averaged in a Frame
Name of output file[test]
Do you want to plot your results?[yes]
Enter PGPLOT device[/xw]

      16 analysis results per interval

 87% completed
 Intv    1   Start 10507  0:19:27
     Ser.1     Avg  3257.        Chisq 0.7471E+07   Var 0.3719E+07 Newbs.     16     
               Min  1177.          Max  7050.    expVar  7.966      Bins  52320
  Folded light curve ready
PLT> line step
PLT> plot
PLT> quit
Now you should see the following figure showing the folded pulse profile.

Folded pulse profile for Cen X-3

This workshop is being organized by Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and is sponsored by Indian Space Research Organization  (ISRO).