The Visiting Student Program (VSP) is aimed at offering research experience to highly motivated students who are presently pursuing their undergraduate or Masters Studies or who are in a gap year that is within a year of completion of these degrees. The purpose of the program is to expose these students to the research of the Institute and motivate them to take up research as a career. Research Staff at RRI accept VSP students so that significant numbers of Undergraduate and Masters students are given an experience of experimental, phenomenological and theoretical physics/astronomy and thereby gain motivation to enter into research careers.In particular, experimental laboratories at RRI provide students the opportunity to participate in activities that invent, design, develop, build, and commission complex systems that explore frontier areas in the physical sciences, together with learning theoretical tools necessary to understand the complex systems and their purposeful design for the science goals.Enrollment to the Visiting Student Program is open throughout the year
Click here to view the list of visiting students at RRI
During the period of the visit, the student will work closely with at least one staff member of the Institute on a suitable project, or on a part of a project, as appropriate. The student's work and the interaction with the staff and the graduate students at the Institute are expected to provide her/him a flavour of the research pursuits at the Institute, in general, and a first-hand experience in research, in particular.
Students within 1 or 2 years of the end of their undergraduate science or engineering degrees, or masters in science of engineering, and in particular those students with the intention of pursuing research as a career, are encouraged to apply. Students from Bangalore colleges, who are keen to work on part time basis for acquiring research experience at RRI, will also be considered.
Available projects/mentors and relevant resources would limit the total number of visiting students. For this and other logistics reasons, the candidates are advised to apply at least two months in advance of their proposed time of visit.
The VSP programme at the Raman Research Institute runs throughout the year. The duration may range, on a case-by-case basis, anywhere between 4-weeks to 6-months.
Out-station students joining this programme on a full time basis will be offered: a) Sleeper-class train fare to Bangalore from their place of stay, and also the return fare, for a single person; b) A consolidated Stipend of Rs.13,000 (Rupees thirteen thousand only) per month to cover local expenses.
Students will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation.
Students from Bangalore will be offered the above allowance if they are part of this programme on a full-time basis. If they work on part-time basis (at least two days in a week) as part of this programme, a support of Rs. 1000 per week will be given.
A potential VSP student is expected to go through the RRI homepage to get an idea of the research interests of the research staff. Then he/she should e-mail directly the research staff member of his/her choice seeking possibility of working on a project with him/her. The e-mail should contain information on the student's academic background and the kind of work that he/she would like to pursue.
The student should arrange for recommendation letters to be e-mailed directly to the relevant staff member only if the staff member requests recommendation letters to be sent to him/her.
At the end of the VSP studentship, the student is expected to submit a report on the work done and outcome of the experience and learning which will be forwarded by the supervising research staff to the Administration, for closure.
A VSP student is issued an ID card on arrival and is expected to hold this for access to RRI and its internal environs and facilities.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students currently enrolled in Universities may undertake their research credits at RRI by working with a research staff member in a research project of the Institute as a separate part of the VSP scheme. This would be for a total period not exceeding 1 year. Once an understanding is arrived at between faculty at Universities and research staff of the Institute, the Universities may formally approach the Director at RRI [director at] for approval for their students to undertake their research components at RRI. Such formal acceptance of University students to the Institute for credited work will require an initial approval from the Director in each such alliance. The decision to accept such requests would be made taking into account and consideration the value to the research of the Institute and the resource limitations. The continued acceptance of students from identified Universities would be reviewed from time to time.