
Status of the Concordance Model of Cosmology

Speaker: Arman Shafieloo (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), South Korea)

Date and time


I review the status of the standard model of cosmology in light of recent observations discussing the current tensions and some different alternatives including some early and late universe solutions to the
problem. I will also briefly discuss the near-future of the field at the era of the next generation of astronomical/cosmological surveys.

Arman Shafieloo

Prof. Shafieloo did his undergraduate studies in physics in Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. He got his PhD from IUCAA in 2008, working with Profs. Varun Sahni and Tarun Souradeep. He was then a Marie Curie fellow (postdoctoral researcher) at the University of Oxford from 2008 till 2010. Since the end of 2010 he has been in South Korea. First in IEU and APCTP as a research fellow and a Junior Research Group Leader, and then in his current institution, Korea Astronomy and Space Science institute (KASI) in Daejeon since 2014 as a faculty (Principal Scientist). He works on different aspects of cosmology and astrophysics including the early universe, dark energy and development of advanced statistical techniques for data analysis.