
Most colloquia at the Raman Research Institute are given by experts in different areas of science. The scope is fairly broad, and often, we host colloquia that introduce new and relevant topics that may not quite belong to the conventional sciences.

Organizing committee

Upcoming and past events

Status of the Concordance Model of Cosmology
Arman Shafieloo (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), South Korea)

Quantum Sensors in Cosmic Archaeology and Electron-Photon Entanglement
Swapan Chattopadhyay (Infosys Chair Visiting Professor, IISc, Bengaluru Adjunct Professor TIFR (ICTS) Distinguished Scientist Emeritus, Fermilab (USA) Faculty Affiliate, UC Berkeley Adjunct Professor of Photon Science, Stanford University)

Unveiling the dusty Universe
A.N. Ramaprakash (IUCAA, Pune)

Our Quantum Centuries
Barry C. Sanders (University of Calgary, Canada)

Revisiting diffraction
Rajaram Nityananda (Azim Premji University, Bengaluru)

X-ray Variability of Black Hole Systems: The AstroSat Advantage
Ranjeev Misra (IUCAA, Pune)

The Curious Case of Planet 9
Jihad Touma (American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon)

Phase-Transitions, Relaxation, and Shape Transformations in Soft Materials
Arjun Yodh (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)

Resonances in general relativity
Béatrice Bonga (Radboud University, Netherlands)

Instabilities and flow-induced structures in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals
Irmgard Bischofberger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge)